How Can Agencies Securely Move Data and Analytics to the Cloud

Agency IT and security operations teams must rethink how they protect data in a digital world where data is everywhere, particularly when data is in the cloud. Moving data to the cloud does not necessarily make it secure. Agency IT and security operations teams must still use cloud providers' tools and processes, as well as their own existing infrastructure, to protect data. The best approach is to ensure that security is an integral part of an application's entire lifestyle.


  • In today's era of digital transformation, data is everywhere - stored on internal systems, in the cloud and on mobile devices; moving through and beyond the boundaries of an organization's networks; and being accessed and used by a digital workforce and citizens who want to make more informed decisions in real time.
  • Cybercriminals are astutely aware of the potential vulnerabilities at different stages of its lifecycle. Attacks on critical information and system assets are on the rise and are more sophisticated due to the increase in nation-state attacks.
  • The easiest way to protect large amounts of data that are constantly moving and changing is to make that data worthless to an attacker or unauthorized users.
  • Agencies need security tools that will de-identify data using format-preserving encryption and stateless key management validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

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