Micro Focus Silk Portfolio Helps Reduce the Testing Period for France's Ministry of Defense
The Ministry of Defense's SIM@T (Système d'Information de la Maintenance Terrestre) is a dedicated information system for monitoring the maintenance of land-based equipment that requires effective, reliable and regular updates.
Utilizing Micro Focus solutions to perform end-to-end testing quickly forges a link between users and developers with precision and ease.
· The Ministry of Defense protects the French people, the national territory and French interests around the world. Distributed across 250 sites and used by around 5,000 users, the SIM@T is updated every five years, module by module.
· Not all the SIM@T modules are implemented simultaneously, both the 'updating' and current systems must coexist without any loss of supply. They communicate via a transitional hub site to reduce risk and simplify maintenance. Micro Focus Silk Portfolio helped to reduce the testing period while assessing the impact of each change up to data field level.
· "Micro Focus' collaborative working tools improve development and process traceability. The latest Caliber functionalities promote collaboration between our users in France while simplifying the dialogue between developers," says Captain Yann Guillou, certified Solutions Architect (Information Systems Division) SIMMT.
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