City of Portland Secures its Future with Micro Focus® Content Manager
As the largest city in the US state of Oregon, Portland implemented Micro Focus Content Manager (then known as TRIM) to manage its physical archives, provide online access to City Council documents, and capture critical bureau electronic records. The city must adhere to the strict record retention requirements imposed by its regulations and those of the State of Oregon. Portland uses Exchange Link within Content Manager to allow messages and documents hosted externally within Office 365 to be captured and stored using the software. This electronic document management approach includes scheduling the destruction of records to comply with retention rules, free up IT resources and reduce legal risk.
· The City of Portland holds about 3 million physical records (folders) in its Archives and Records Center, many dating back to the early days of its settlement. The City manages more than 2.8 million digital records within Content Manager - with the volume growing by about 20 percent a year.
· The City holds 2,350 'seat' licenses to allow a wide range of its more than 5,000 staff members to use Content Manager. It holds about 3.5 million physical and 2.5 million electronic records, aiding up to 5.5 terabytes of data.
· By steadily increasing the number of bureaus and departments using the system, and holding data in a central repository, the City has greatly reduced the time and cost involved in managing its archives and public records while increasing utility and convenience for internal and external groups seeking access to public records.
· The software has also enabled the city to set rules regarding how long records should be retained and who can access them, and tailor workflows to suit the specific business requirements of its different bureaus and departments.
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